Carrying forward the enthusiasm, we had one more step towards our promise to the environment. The venue of Chatri Talao once again witnessed a successful tree plantation event by the HTF youth, but not the same. This time it was bigger and better. We are glad to see many more hands joining in our ventures. This time we not only planted the tress, but also provided for their protection thus ensuring their survival. We were super delighted to have Scout Master Sir Surendra Sisat and Biology teacher Sir Vishal Nimbhorkar as our chief guests for the event. They enriched us with their knowledge and experience. We are not only planting the plants but also their progress is being monitored each day and neccesary steps are being taken for the same.

We thank everyone who became the part of the event for supporting HTF in its another successful event.


After making a remarkable beginning, with its clean environment initiative, HTF soon was ready for a new one. Recently we stepped forward with an object of planting trees to sustain the natural ecosystem there. An increase in the number of daily visitors has somewhere affected the balance of ecosystem there, Henceforth without any delay, HTF took the action. It planted no. of saplings, giving a push to its 'Trees for Future' Initiative. But, this could not be considered enough. HTF not only planted the saplings but also is going to take care for them enuring their survival. We understand our responsibility and ensure that the very purpose of our initiative for our society gets fulfilled. During the whole process, we had a much needed guidance from Mr. Gaurav Bansod and Mr. Prathamesh Pathak by way of their knowledge and experience of making such initiatives successful.


On Aug 1, 2021 HTF started its journey by undertaking a great initiative on Day 1 itself. In our past visits to Chatri Talao, Amt. We had been noticing a significant amount of litter all over the place. Chatri Talao being one of the most commonly visited venues by people to experience the closeness with the nature, has in the recent time developed a big threat due to constantly increasing no. of visitors. Litter in the form of plastic wastes, could severely affect the natural habitats of species there causing an imbalance. HTF, tooking a step forward, took the initiative to clean the garbage spread. We joined hands together to get the garbage in the bins. A significant change in the cleanliness was clearly noticeable after the work was completed.

To support us, donate some of your precious money for saving the nature.
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